8 Health Benefits Of Palm Wine That You Didn’t Know

8 Health Benefits Of Palm Wine That You Didn't Know, 8 Health Benefits Of Palm Wine That You Didn’t Know
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1. Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

In a bid to explore some of the benefits of palm wine, several research bodies conducted tons of studies, including that of Lingberg and Ezra [2008] and part of their findings is that this alcoholic beverage is capable of reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure. The reason is that palm wine contains a significant amount of potassium, which plays an important role in boosting heart health and lowering hypertension in mammals. However, multiple studies also reveal that excess intake of palm wine can result in serious health conditions, including damaged liver and irregular heartbeats, therefore make sure you take it in moderation!

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2. It stimulates Breastmilk in nursing mothers

Palm wine is largely believed to induce lactation for poorly lactating mothers in folklore medicine.

Most rural dwellers strongly believe that drinking freshly-tapped palm wine increases breast milk flow for newborn babies. 

They understand that freshly tapped wine contains high amounts of nutrients that are good for the baby and mother.

However, due to the problem of adulteration, most women may be unknowingly downing large amounts of artificial sweeteners and alcohol that may not be too healthy for the newborn.

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3. Helps in Building the Body Structure

Protein is one of the crucial nutrients that the body needs to function optimally, and palm wine has a very high content of amino acids, which acts as the building block of the macro-nutrient – Protein. Therefore, taking a moderate amount of palm wine can help build and improve your body cells while storing nutrients that are essential for optimal functioning of different organs of the body. Additionally, this beverage helps in repairing numerous tissues, and it also improves the bone and muscles structure.

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4. Helps in Treating Malaria

That seems unbelievable, right? But that’s simply the truth! There are certain countries, especially in Africa that uses palm wine to treat malaria attacks simply by combining the beverage with some other local herbs, and the effect is super amazing. Although no scientific evidence has proved this claim, many people have reported this to be true. However, it is strongly advised that you contact your doctor first.

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5. Helps fight cancer

Basically, foods with a significant amount of riboflavin [vitamin B2] have been scientifically-proven several times to be very effective in reducing the risk of cancer by a significant margin. On the plus side, palm wine can help combat cancer as it is rich in great antioxidants which inhibit oxidation processes which could cause damages to vital organs and cells, ulcer, inflammation, and lots more.

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6. Maintains Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails

Palm wine is an excellent source of Iron, vitamin B complex, zinc, and magnesium, all of which are very essential for healthy skin hair and nail. These properties ensure adequate growth and functioning of vital skin-related cells in the body, and they also boost wound healing process in human. Additionally, the components that come with palm wine helps in stimulating new body cells and replacing the dead ones to make the skin softer, smoother, and more radiant.

7. It improves Eyesight

Palm wine contains a significant amount of antioxidant Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and B12, all of which are essential for excellent eyesight and they also shield the eye from contracting certain eye problems. The Vitamin C in particular aids in building the connective tissues of the body as well as the blood vessels of the eye which prevents certain eye-related conditions, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and the likes. On the other hand, the Vitamin B1 and B12 help in combating vascular related issues, which could cause chronic inflammation around the retina.

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Furthermore, some studies argue that regular, moderate intake of palm wine over other alcoholic beverages is one of the basic reasons that accounted for the better eyesight commonly found in people who live in the villages and remote areas.

8. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Research shows that heart failure and some other cardiovascular diseases can be regulated by drinking a considerable amount of palm wine.

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